Séance 4 – Madrid, Córdoba and beyond: the project of Casa Árabe – 19 janvier 2024

19 janvier 2024 [séance en anglais et en hybride]

Madrid, Córdoba and beyond: the project of Casa Árabe
María Gómez López, chercheuse postdoctorante, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid et Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Founded in 2006 Casa Árabe is an active platform in the generation of knowledge about the Arab world in Spain. With headquarters in Madrid and Córdoba, the institution is part of a wider network of houses that encompass Casa América, Casa Asia, Casa Africa, Casa del Mediterráneo and Centro Sefarad-Israel. All of them operate as public diplomatic tools that envisage culture as an essential way of strengthening the existing bods between Spain and these geopolitical spaces. With this purpose, Casa Árabe offers every year an engaging cultural program that enables its visitors to know more about the region’s past and present. The objective of this intervention is to share a panoramic overview of Casa Árabe’s history and program paying particular attention to its position in and contribution to the Spanish cultural and academic panorama.

María Gómez López is Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She holds a PhD in Art History and a MA in History of Art and Architecture of the Islamic Middle East from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London and. Her research dives into the convergence of art, cartography and spatial experience in the contemporary production from the Arab world. She is the curator of the exhibition “A world of snippets” and co-curator of “Hand over hand: crafts and design in Morocco” at Casa Árabe. The results of her research have been shared in national and international events and platforms within and beyond the academic sphere.

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
arvimm (15 décembre 2023). Séance 4 – Madrid, Córdoba and beyond: the project of Casa Árabe – 19 janvier 2024. ARVIMM. Consulté le 12 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/d10o